May-Grunwald Staining Solution

May-Grunwald Staining Solution for staining hematological and cytological samples.

Available in a 500ml bottle.

Product SKU LAZ-12-0112 Category


The May-Grunwald Staining Solution (500ml) is highly useful in clinical and laboratory settings, primarily for staining blood samples, bone marrow smears, paraffin sections, and cytological samples. It consists of a mixture of specific dyes that work together to provide detailed staining of cellular structures, allowing for easy identification and diagnosis under the microscope.

The dyes included in the solution are:

  • Methylene Blue: Stains acidic cellular components, giving them a blue hue.
  • Azure (Azuro): Stains basic cellular components in red and purple.
  • Eosin: Stains alkaline cellular components in an orange-red color.

This staining is known as panoptic because it stains almost all cellular components, offering a complete view of the cellular elements for analysis and diagnosis.


  • Staining of hematological samples
  • Staining of bone marrow smears
  • Diagnostic examination of paraffin sections
  • Staining of clinical cytological samples
  • Analysis of cellular components for microscopic observation


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