About Us
MegaLab is a company active in the field of marketing clinical and analytical items.
Our company has offices in Thessaloniki (headquarters) and Athens (branch), manned by highly trained staff, thus covering all of Greece.
- Our company provides high quality services
- The products we offer are also of high quality
quality and latest technology and have CE marking - The companies we work with are also ISO certified
- Our company provides installation and technical support services
- We provide the possibility of developing processes and methods, adapted to each of our clients individually.
- The specialized network of our company’s partners will be next to each of our customers at all times, providing expertise and essential solutions.
The quality of our products and the impeccable service have enabled us to become one of the largest companies in Cyprus in the field of diagnostics.
Since 1993 we have been exporting products to Greece and in February 1996 we founded a new company in Thessaloniki.
All our products, before being introduced to the market, pass evaluation tests in universities and government hospitals, that’s why we feel proud to offer high-quality products in affordable prices.
Our company already exports these products and some small instruments
in many Latin America, Middle Eastern and Eastern European countries.
Since August 2003 we have established a new company “Mega Lab SA” and have divided the activities between the two companies. The company Mega Lab SA mainly serves the private sector.

Our mission
Is to provide quality laboratory products and high quality services, as well as creative and flexible solutions, that will help our customers in realization of their own visions.
We are constantly expanding our portfolio and the companies we work with, so that each of our customers can acquire the appropriate equipment for its application.
With our participation in international exhibitions and conferences, we are close to our customers and up to date with the latest trends.
Η εταιρεία μας έχει συνάψει ισχυρές συνεργασίες με κορυφαίες εταιρείες του εξωτερικού.
Είμαστε αποκλειστικοί αντιπρόσωποι μερικών από τις μεγαλύτερες εταιρείες του κόσμου (π.χ.: Hiden Isochema, Hiden Analytical, Signal Recovery (AMETEK), Princeton Applied Research (AMETEK), CPA, KIMA srl, Marienfeld, κ.α.). Έχουμε συνάψει μεγάλα συμβόλαια συνεργασίας με αυτές τις εταιρείες με σκοπό να διασφαλίσουμε την ποιότητα των προϊόντων και τις υπηρεσίες που παρέχουμε στους πελάτες μας.
Κύριος στόχος μας είναι η εξυπηρέτηση των αναγκών των πελατών μας, οπότε επενδύουμε στην επέκταση των δραστηριοτήτων μας με σκοπό την κάλυψη τους!
Through the long-term presence of our company in the sector of companies importing analytical and clinical items, we have managed to cooperate with many institutions and companies, always with positive results. Some of our most important clients are: